Monday, October 21, 2013

Future Technology

Our technology has been exploring rapidly, how is our future will be with high-tech products everywhere. I have been dreaming to live in a high-technology world like those ones in the movies. But how long will that take until we see something like that in the real life? I did some research of ‘future technology’, I found this company Corning that working on projects we have dreamed for years; and this will not take too long.

In our future, high-tech products will connect every detail of our living places with world and us. Almost every surface being a touch screen and having multi-function; it’s unbreakable, unscratchable, and dirt-free. You can cut the vegetables at the kitchen counter top in the morning, by the same time it’s playing the live news with weather display. You have a closet that has a touch screen mirror, where you can try your close on without really do it; this could be super helpful for clothes shopping. And so much more!

One of the most important things in the classroom, it can help teacher to get the students’ attention by having an interesting desk with display on it. Teacher can control the work on everyone’s “desktop” and also get data how long does each student focus in one class and what did they do in class. This is so much fun even think about it, it will apply to our life eventually; by that time is the high-tech going to help us? Or like in the movie, they will become too smart to fight back human? I’m going too far… XD anyway, I’m still looking forward to it!!!

Working desk with touch screen surface

Transparent computers in the classroom 

Combined modern computer with the classroom desk

1. "Future Interior Design And Technology - Is It Possible?". January 17, 2013
2. "Future Interior Design And Technology - Is It Possible?". January 17, 2013
3. "pcStudio creates a digital environment in modern classrooms". 


  1. That desk is awesome! I can imagine schools being filled with these within the next couple of decades. Well, if the country spends more on education.

  2. Jing, I really liked your posts! They are very interesting. I like to see what people come up with ideas for the future. thanks for sharing that!! Please visit my blog and share some music!!!

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